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How much do you know about Boso Sea?
The Boso Peninsula, adjoining the cosmopolitan area, continues to enjoy a fine natural environment.At the museum, visitors can come into direct contact with unspoiled marine ecosystems.
Exhibition Room
Presented here are four different exhibit areas introducing the natural marine environment of the Boso Peninsula.Some of the exhibitions are changed at regular intervals in order to show visitors the change of the seasons and results of the latest studies.
The Sea of Boso
Here, visitors are introduced to the specific characteristics of the sea surrounding the Boso Peninsula, as well as the marine life that resides there.
The various environs of the sea
Here visitors are introduced to descriptions of the beaches and the underwater areas along the Boso Peninsula, such as Katsuura, Kujukuri Beach, and the Tokyo Submarine Canyon.
The environment surrounding the musem
Here, visitors are introduced to natural features surrounding the museum. The displays change with the seasons.
Discover the sea.
In this corner visitors can make observations and conduct experiments on marine life.
Some ways to observe nature outdoors are also introduced here.
Lecture Room
In the lecture room, films entitled “Boso Sea” and “Have fun with the sea” introduce visitors to marine life.
An annual planed exhibition on the marine environment titled “Marine Science Gallery” is also presented here.
The skeleton of a Baird’s beaked whale is on display in the lobby.
Books on the marine environment and marine life are also available.
Observing Nature can be a Wonderful Activity
Many kinds of marine life can be seen during low tide on the seashore just in front of the museum, If you go farther to the Ubara Risokyo, you can observe seashore plants and a variety of insects.
Get information from the related corners of our exhibition room and from the nature observation area guide map, and take an enjoyable walk.
Come and join!
Field trips
The research staff will guide you to the observation areas.
Observation workshops
You can observe wild life in the natural world with explanations from our research staff. These workshops are usually held on weekends.
Our research staff explain marine life with the aid of slides and video clips. Lectures are usually held on weekends.
Coastal Branch of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
Adress:123 Yoshio Katsuura city, Chiba 299-5242
Closed:Mondays(Year-end and New Year holidays)