第1巻 第1号 (1990年3月)


Geology of the Pre-Cretaceous Atagoyama Group in the Choshi Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, Japan—Description of the Lithofacies and Discussion of Sedimentary and Tectonic Processes—

高橋直樹 Naoki Takahashi

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千葉県鋸南町鮮新統千畑層から産したネズミザメ科イスルス・ハスタリスIsurus hastalis (Agassiz) の同一個体の歯群および脊椎骨群化石

A Nearly Complete Tooth Set and Several Vertebrae of the Lamnid Shark Isurus hastalis from the Pliocene in Chiba, Japan

上野輝彌・近藤康生・井上浩吉 Teruya Uyeno, Yasuo Kondo, Kokichi Inoue

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コナラQuercus serrata Thunb. の開芽過程

Observation on the budburst processes of Quercus serrata Thunb.

大野啓一 Keiichi Oono

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Avifauna and seasonal changes in the numbers of birds at the offshore of Narashino-Akanehama

桑原和之 Kazuyuki Kuwabara

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